Monday, April 14, 2014

Camp Moment In Time

Are the chips cooked? Is the spaghetti getting heated up? it was all a blind panic. It was almost time to plate up so soon. The spaghetti started popping in its pot. The shaped toast was starting to burn quick quick turn them over, some were burned what a disaster. Lets give the judges the non burned ones. Ouch! the chip burned me as I tried one. The chips started sizzling on the gas cooker.  I think they’re almost done.

The air tension was pretty high trying to get all the plates plated up and all pretty for presentation. Pass me the toast no that one is burned. One circle on the bottom and one heart for the top. The burning hot spaghetti got sprinkled around the edge. Chips at the top like little hairs on someones head. The delicious large breadcrumbs with yummy chicken flavoring. Done! Don’t touch the plate. Then we were taking it to the judges.

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